Taking CPE Courses

The Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Courses at the Luzerne Intermediate Unit are designed to meet the needs of local educators through targeted professional development model. CPE courses offer timely content, job embedded activities, and relevant learning opportunities for practicing educators.

CPE courses are designed around rigorous standards set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education that require courses to provide Graduate level instruction for educators to earn credits that can be used to fulfill requirements for PA Level II certification or Act 48 requirements in addition to Master’s Equivalency and salary movement as allowed by the educators collective bargaining agreement.

Our course offerings are designed to fit the schedules of educators and are taught by qualified instructors in a variety of formats from traditional face-to-face, hybrid, and fully online formats. These offerings are designed to fit the needs of our educators and school districts and are part of a wide range of in service professional development offered by the IU and it’s partners. To further enhance our program we are also looking to provide several rolling enrollment periods throughout the year and offer courses year round to ensure flexible scheduling.

As part of our targeted professional development model, the Intermediate Unit can also provide variety of customized professional education options to teachers, administrators, and school staff at a districts request.

CPE registration can be found online on the LIU MyLearningPlan. Payment for courses is required for credit to be awarded.

Participants Responsibility
Once registered for a course, full participation is expected. Last minute cancellations effect presenters, staff, related costs, and others who may be trying to register for an event. When registering for a course, please be sure to check your calendar to ensure you are able to attend all sessions. Luzerne Intermediate Unit 18 reserves the right to withhold Act 48 hours/CPE credits from individuals not meeting course requirements.

Cancelation/Refund Procedure
Luzerne Intermediate Unit 18 reserves the right to cancel any/all courses due to insufficient enrollment.

  • 100% of course fees will be reimbursed in the event of cancellation due to low enrollment.
  • Notification of cancellations will be made by e-mail. It is imperative that your e-mail address in MLP is current.
  • Credit card payments will not be processed until course rosters.

Please reference the chart below to determine the penalty for registration cancellation.

  • Participants canceling registration for a course will be refunded the following prorated percentages:
  • Participants withdrawing 14 days prior to the first day of a course will receive a 100% refund.
  • Participants withdrawing 7 to 13 days prior to the first day of a course will receive a 50% refund.
  • Participants withdrawing 6 days or less prior to the first day of a course will receive a 0% refund.
  • Cancellations due to low enrollment will receive a 100% refund.

For more information please contact the Registrar at 570-718-4675 or via email at ims@liu18.org.