Children Three to Five Years Old: Early Intervention (EI) services within Luzerne and Wyoming Counties are provided to children ages three to five years of age who are experiencing a delay in their development. Hazleton Area School District is the lead agency for this age group and population. Please contact: 570-454-1870 or 570-826-0850 Please visit:

Early Intervention Services range from direct to consultative in nature. Related services to children include support in the areas of speech, hearing, vision and behavior along with assistance with psychological evaluations and assistive technology. Services are provided when the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team determines the child has a specific need for our respective services. These services are available to children who meet the eligibility criteria of a 25% delay in one or more of the five developmental areas.

Hazleton Area offers a variety of need-based services for eligible children. The services are provided within the Least Restrictive Environment, which may include the home, preschool, Head Start, specialized class or a combination of these. The children are evaluated and found to be eligible for special education services under the guidelines of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations.

What Services Are Provided to Meet the Developmental Needs of a Child?

The services provided to children and their families differ based upon the individual needs and strengths of each child and the child’s family. Services such as parent education, support services, developmental therapies and other family-centered services that assist in child development and may be included in a family’s Early Intervention program.

Early Intervention promotes collaboration among parents, service providers and other important people in the child’s life to enhance the child’s development and support the needs of the family.

Resources for Families