
Working in conjunction with our member school districts, the LIU services as a resource in support of educating students with Autism.

Autism Support Team Training

  • This 3 day training series will provide support to school staff currently working with a student with autism. This training is designed to focus on the implementation of best practices. This training is designed using a case study format that will focus on a student with Autism that your district has chosen to be the focus for this training. The student does not attend the training just the team who supports this student. The team members who participate in this training should include the staff who are currently working to support the student. These team members should include a regular education and special education teacher and may also include other related service providers such as the speech therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, vision or hearing therapist. Any additional staff who provide support to the student that you feel would benefit from the training information are also welcome to attend. The district may also include the parent in the training series.
    • Audience: Special Education teacher, general education teachers, supervisors, administrators, parents, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech and language therapists
    • Duration: 3 days (are not consecutive)

Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Overview

  • The presentation will offer general information about Autism. It may include information about managing inappropriate behaviors and ideas for accommodations and inclusion. The information presented will help the participant to better understand how behaviors exhibited by a student with ASD are related to the disability.
    • Audience: Any administrator, teacher, paraeducator or other school staff member who will be managing an inclusive classroom or interacting in the school setting with students with Autism
    • Duration: Customized to meet district needs

Understanding the Characteristics of Students with High Functioning Autism

  • This presentation will offer an overview of High Functioning Autism. Information regarding communication and social deficits will be presented, along with suggestions for effective educational strategies. The information presented will help the participant to better understand how behaviors exhibited by a student with High Functioning Autism are related to the disability.
    • Audience: Teachers, administrators, paraeducators, support staff
    • Duration: Customized to meet district needs

Emotional and Behavioral Supports

  • It is important for educators to understand the behavioral challenges that may result because of the stress and anxiety that individuals with High Functioning Autism may experience in the classroom. This session will focus on understanding the cycle of tantrums, rage and meltdowns and will discuss interventions that can be used to promote self-calming, self-management and self-awareness.
    • Audience: Any administrator, teacher, paraeducator or other school staff member who will be managing an inclusive classroom or interacting in the school setting with students with Autism
    • Duration: Customized to meet district needs

Environmental, Academic and Social Skill Supports

  • A peer sensitivity lesson presents basic information about Autism, or High Functioning Autism in a format that is appropriate to the age/grade level of the participants. To present the information about the disability, the lesson may include children’s literature, an interactive group activity and/or a discussion.
    • Audience: Any student (s) who is in a classroom setting (K-12) with a peer with Autism, or High Functioning Autism
    • Duration: Customized to meet district needs

Social Skill Deficits and Strategies for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • The participants will develop an understanding of the common social skill difficulties associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in order to be able to better recognize social skill deficits. The participants will be encouraged to think about how an observable social problem can be translated into a teachable social skill. Strategies that promote social skill acquisition will be highlighted in addition to resources that may help with programming for social skill deficits.
    • Audience: Administrators, regular educators, special educators, and emotional support staff working with individuals with High Functioning Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome
    • Duration: Customized to meet district needs

Emotional Regulation and Strategies for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • The participant will develop an understanding of the need to teach students with AS/HFA to better recognize label and quantify their own feelings and begin to learn more positive ways of dealing with their own emotions. Participants will gain knowledge in how to use visual organizers to collect data to identify stress signals as well as the causes and effects of stress.
    • Audience: Administrators, regular educators, special educators, and emotional support staff
    • Duration: Customized to meet district needs


Please contact your district’s SPOC for scheduling or more information.