Inclusive Practices and Instructional Strategies

Inclusive practices incorporate many different effective strategies in the everyday classroom. A sense of community pervades the inclusive classroom. Together, administrators, teachers, parents and students form a collaborative partnership to help all students learn.

Instructional strategies are approaches that teachers utilize to actively engage students in learning. Effective instructional strategies take into account all learning styles and needs of the learners.

Supplementary Aides and Services (SaS) Toolkit Overview

  • The overview explores the SaS Toolkit as an introduction to including students with more significant cognitive needs.
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Coaches and Administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Co-teaching Overview and Implementation

  • Co-teaching is currently used as a service delivery model to support students in the general education classroom. This offering can be curtailed to meet the specific needs and implementation plan of the district. Co-teaching styles, benefits of co-teaching, and roles and responsibilities are embedded into this offering.
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Para Educators
    • Duration: 1-3 Hours

Progress Monitoring

  • Progress monitoring is a cornerstone of effective instruction. This offering includes the process of monitoring student progress, tools for assessing skills (literacy, mathematics or both), guidance on developing goals, including graphing assessment data and instruction decision-making. Workshops may be customized to provide more in-depth information and practice with any components.
    • Audience: Special Education Teachers, Para Educators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Standard Aligned IEPs

  • This workshop will focus on effective and efficient practices for utilizing Pennsylvania’s Standard Aligned System (SAS) to develop measurable IEP goals that are aligned with PA Core
    • Audience: Special Education Teachers
    • Duration: 3 Hours

EBR Training/Facilitation

  • As LEA’s, you are responsible for ensuring that each student is making significant progress toward Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals. One of the most important activities an LEA can do is review and monitor the development and implementation of students’ IEPs. This process is Educational Benefit Review (EBR). We will provide an overview of the process and facilitate the team process for review.
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teacher, Teams as determined by LEA
    • Duration: 1-2 days to complete the EBR process

Differentiated Instruction

  • In this training participants will be given a variety of strategies to use within the classroom to differentiate the content, process, and product of the lesson according to individual student group’s needs.
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Administrators
    • Duration: 1-3 Hours

Formative Assessment

  • This workshop will explore the work in regards to formative assessment. The participants will obtain research based information regarding formative assessment as a means to adjust their teaching and learning. The formative assessment process guides teachers in making decisions about future instruction.
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Administrators
    • Duration: 1-2 Hours


Please contact your district’s SPOC for scheduling and more information.