Instructional Technology

The use of technology in schools presents educators with numerous opportunities to engage, excite and empower students in their learning. We offer a variety of professional development opportunities to assist school districts with their use of technology.

Interactive Whiteboard

  • Overview training of Smart Board/Smart Notebook which includes getting connected, Smart Notebook toolbar, floating toolbar, adding pages, gallery items, interactive objects and utilizing screen capture and document camera.
  • Similar trainings can also be given for Promethean boards or Eno boards
    • Audience: All teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 1-2 Hours

iPad Trainings

  • An in depth look at the Apple iPad® and its many uses within the classroom, across all curricula.
    • Audience: All educators and/or administrators
    • Duration: Dependent upon district needs

Classroom Technology Integration

  • A district customized session designed to help teachers integrate technology resources effectively in their classroom.
    • Audience: All educators and/or administrators
    • Duration: Dependent upon district needs


Please contact your district’s SPOC for scheduling or more information.