
The Luzerne Intermediate Unit offers training and consultation on all aspects of positive behavior support, classroom and instructional management, and de-escalation and conflict resolution to our member school districts in order to make the connections between behavior and classroom instruction necessary to achieve academic success.

Essentials of Classroom Management: Prevention, Engagement, and Intervention

  • This training provides an overview of classroom management techniques. The goal is to ensure that the IEP Term ensures that each identified child is to begin in the general education setting with Supplementary Aids and Services before considering a more restrictive environment. The aides and services reviewed are using behavioral principles in the applied setting, Effective verbal and non-verbal communication, positive classroom rules and routines. The C.H.A.M.P.S. model is introduced along with techniques that encourage Active Student Responding (ASR) and active student participation. Participants will explore behavior management techniques and strategies such as recognizing potential problem behavior, the importance of teaching and modeling appropriate behaviors, and teaching appropriate skills. The functions of behavior and an overview of the crisis development model, as well as intervention and de-escalation strategies will also be addressed.
    • Duration: 5-6 hours
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Administrators

Classroom Management for New Teachers: Using Positive Behavior Support with Explicit Instruction (can be a refresher for veteran teachers)

  • This training is geared towards first-year teachers and veteran teachers who desire a review of effective classroom management techniques. The training introduces the 5 evidence-based practices for classroom management. The first part of the training focuses on the principles and techniques of Positive Behavior Support such as the importance of maintaining a positive physical environment and of having clearly displayed rules for good behavior along with teaching the rules. The training also teaches how to use effective group contingencies for reinforcing expected classroom behavior. The second part of the training focuses on the practice of actively engaging students in academic content using the Anita Archer model of Explicit Instruction.
    • Duration: 2-3 hours
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers

The Classroom Management Curriculum Module 1: Maximizing Classroom Structure

  • During this module, participants will identify the physical components of classroom management techniques including physical arrangement of the classroom that supports successful instruction, design effective scheduling and transition procedures to prevent crowing, and establish positive classroom rules and routines. The participants will learn behavior management techniques (such as the attention signal) and procedures for effective management of time and materials.
    • Duration: 2-3 hours
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers

The Classroom Management Curriculum Module 2: Establishing Classroom Rules

  • The purpose of this module is to assist the teacher to identify and define a small number of positively stated rules which are broad enough to include all desired behavior and are mutually exclusive. The module will assist the teacher in fostering an instructional approach to behavior, where the teacher explicitly teaches classroom rules in the same way academics are taught.
    • Duration: 1-2 hours
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers

The Classroom Management Curriculum Module 3: Actively Engaging Students in Observable Ways

  • The purpose of this module is to provide the evidence base that supports engaging students actively in instruction will increase student academic achievement as well as decrease disruptive behavior. The module will provide many practical teaching strategies that can be implemented in classes to enhance student engagement. The strategies presented in the module are appropriate for all grade levels and all students.
    • Duration: 2-3 hours
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers

The Classroom Management Curriculum Module 4: Strategies to Strengthen Preferred Behavior

  • The purpose of this module is to engage learners in discussions and activities using a continuum of research-based strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior in the school environment and successful academic and social behaviors. Through the completion of the activities provided in this module, learners will be able to develop and implement classroom management strategies that may be used individually or in conjunction with other established evidence based practices.
    • Duration: 5-6 hours
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers

The Classroom Management Curriculum Module 5: Strategies to Weaken Non-Preferred Behavior

  • The purpose of this module is to engage learners in discussions and activities regarding the use of the least intrusive and most effective strategies to respond to instances of inappropriate behavior. Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to use a variety of responses to address inappropriate behavior in the classroom.
    • Duration: 5-6 hours
    • Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers

Using De-Escalation to Increase Staff Safety: Safe Outcomes Without Restraint

  • This training was developed for new staff that have not yet been certified by a formal crisis management program but who need the skills that will prevent escalation and will protect them and others. During this training, participants will learn how to prevent, minimize, and manage themselves, and their environment in order to prevent escalation in individuals. However if escalation happens to occur, the participant will be trained in non-restraint maneuvers that will ensure the safety and protection of all. Emphasis is always placed on promoting the dignity and respect of those we support through the use of continuous and effective non-verbal and verbal communication technique while applying differential reinforcement to shape socially preferred behavior.
    • Duration: 1-2 hours
    • Audience: Administrators, General Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher, Para-educators, and all ancillary support staff such as TSS

Safety-Care Behavior Safety Training, QBS, Inc.

    • The goals of this two day training are to prepare the trainee:
      • To prevent behavioral crises
      • To reverse the momentary escalation and intensity of crisis behaviors
      • To teach and strengthen behaviors which are incompatible with crisis behaviors
      • To safely and therapeutically manage crises without injury and trauma
      • To terminate crises as quickly as possible
      • To reduce the future likelihood of behavioral crises
    • Duration:
      • Initial Training – 2 Full Days
      • Re-certification Training – 1 1/2 Days
      • Certified specialists must meet the requirements for annual recertification. If you do not recertify within one year, your certification will lapse. A specialist whose certification has lapsed has no authorization to use any Safety-Care Procedures.
      • Partial certification: Contact a Safety-care trainer to discuss customized training
    • Audience: Supervisors, Administrators, Special Education Teachers, Regular Education Teachers, Para-educators, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech & Language Therapists. This training will benefit any staff member who works with students that demonstrate challenging behaviors.
    • Registration:
      • Please contact your district’s SPOC for scheduling or more information.
    • Safety-Care Certified Trainers:
      George Butwin
      Educational Consultant
      (570) 718-4640 (office)
      (570) 760-6216 (cell)
      Deanna Mennig
      STEM and Personalized Learning Consultant
      (570) 718-4654 (office)
      (570) 899-9399 (cell)
      Dr. Lynn Ziller
      Educational Consultant
      (570) 718-4546 (office)
      (570) 690-7682 (cell)
      Cara Devine
      Educational Consultant
      (570) 718-4647 (office)
      Loriann Hoffman
      Educational Consultant
      (570) 718-4632 (office)
      (570) 899-7937 (cell)
      Stacey Raijski
      Educational Consultant
      (570) 287-9681 ext. 1016 (office)
      (570) 760-7838 (cell)

School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

  • Participants will be given the components of the three-tiered model of Pennsylvania’s School Wide Behavior Support System. Participants will examine research-based practices that are utilized to develop a comprehensive system of behavior support tailored to individual school needs. Participants will discuss the connection between behavior and academic achievement. Participants will see a demonstration on data collection and how it is analyzed to make decisions for School Wide Positive Behavior Support.
    • Duration: 7 Modules that total 3 full training days (scheduled by the district)
    • Audience: A building team comprised of administrators, teachers, curriculum personnel, and support staff
      • Module 1: Leadership Overview
        • Brief overview of SWPBIS and a discussion of the district’s commitment and responsibilities in implementing SWPBIS.
        • Audience: Superintendent, Administration and Building Principals.
        • Duration: 1 hour
      • Module 2: Staff Overview
        • Brief description of SWPBIS and the introduction of the SWPBIS Team.
        • Audience: All identified team members.
        • Duration: 1 hour
      • Module 3: Universal Level Day 1 Training
        • Clarification of the roles of each SWPBIS team member. The team will identify behavioral expectations of the building and create a behavioral matrix.
        • Audience: Building Team
        • Duration: 6 Hours
      • Module 4: Universal Level Day 2 Training
        • The team creates lesson plans from the behavioral matrix and plans how the lessons will be taught to the students. The team discusses the type of acknowledgement system that will be used to provide students with feedback and positive reinforcement.
        • Audience: Building Team
        • Duration: 6 hours
      • Module 5: Universal Level Day 3 Training
        • The team reviews the Office Discipline Referral Form and defines behaviors that are to be referred. The team determines how the behavioral data will be collected and how it will be analyzed. The team plans how to roll out the SWPBIS program to students and staff.
        • Audience: Building Team
        • Duration: 6 hours
      • Module 6: Secondary Level Team Training
        • The Secondary Level Team examines supports that are available for students that are grouped with similar behaviors that have not responded to Level 1 Support. The team develops a Check-In-Check-out system (CICO) and discusses how the data will be collected and analyzed.
        • Audience: Building Team
        • Duration: 3 hours
      • Module 7: Tertiary Level Team Training
        • The Tertiary Level Team Training examines supports that are available for individual students who have not responded to Level 2 support, and require individualized support plans. Individual Service Providers are identified. The team discusses how the data will be collected and analyzed.
        • Audience: Building Team
        • Duration: 3 hours


Please contact your district’s SPOC for scheduling or more information.