Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is defined as a comprehensive system of supports that in the Commonwealth includes standards-aligned, culturally responsive and high quality core instruction, universal screening, data-based decision making, tiered services and supports, parental engagement, central/building level leadership, professional development and use of MTSS for SLD determination via PDE’s approval process. Simply put, PA-MTSS represents a broad set of evidence-based practices that may be implemented across a system to include academics and behavior within a recursive and systematic problem solving process. PA-MTSS is intended to help ALL students meet with continual academic and behavior behavioral success.

MTSS overview

  • Participants in this workshop will understand what Response to Instruction and Intervention and the tree tiered model encompasses. Participants will begin to plan for district implementation through the identification of a core district team and prepare for future content modules. In addition, the identified core district team members will conduct a critical feature analysis to assist them in the planning for MTSS.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Principals’ Training

  • This workshop is intended for district administrators and principals. It is intended to provide the administrators and principals with the necessary information to begin Response to Instruction and Intervention within their individual school districts. It will provide a beginning framework for the principals, while educating them on their individual role in the MTSS process.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Universal screening

  • This training session serves as the base training for Universal Screening in the MTSS model. The presentation is not designed to train on the various assessment packages available. However, samples of some of the common screening packages will be provided. The module opens with teams using the Level of Implementation Scale for Universal Screening to determine where they fall in relation to the criteria for universal screening. This will be revisited at the end of the session comparing the pre and post results. An overview and rational for universal screening in relation to the MTSS model follows and then moves into the criteria for selection of a screening package.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Scientifically Based Core Programs

  • Participants in this workshop will be able to evaluate, identify, develop and differentiate between core reading programs and curricula. The presentation is not designed to train or promote specific core programs available. However, samples of some of the scientifically based core programs will be discussed. Participants will be provided with two screening tools that can be used to evaluate and identify strengths and weaknesses of core reading programs. At the end of the session, participants will be able to develop an action plan to strengthen the districts’ existing core programs.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Differentiated Instruction

  • The intent of this module is to introduce the participants to differentiated instruction (DI) and its key principles. The module begins with a brief introduction to the definition of what DI and its history. Participants in this training session will be provided effective and practical instruction strategies that reflect the key principles of DI and how it ‘fits’ into the PA MTSS model.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Data Analysis Teaming

  • The intent of this training module is intended to assist school districts in implementing a data analysis team. Participants will understand the school wide restructuring process based on student data, be able to conceptualize support services within a three tier model of service delivery, and be able to discuss how to build capacity within their school to operate data analysis teams. Participants will discuss the roles and logistics involved in the process necessary for implementation of the MTSS model.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Standard Protocol Interventions

  • The intent of this workshop is to provide participants with an understanding and rationale for using standard protocol interventions. Participants will review the extent to which intervention programs are consistent with scientifically based reading research. Participants will receive information about various math programs that can be used at different grade levels to support the MTSS model. Finally, participants will discuss the fidelity checklist, why they are important in the MTSS process, how they are used, by whom, and will review the sample checklists.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours

Progress Monitoring

  • Participants are given the opportunity to compare progress monitoring tools across several characteristics, including ease of administration, research base, high correlation to skills being assessed, and high reliability. Participants are introduced to the Review of Progress Monitoring Tools developed by the National Center on Student Progress Monitoring. This provides an in-depth analysis of all the tools that were submitted to the National Center for review.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours


  • This module is designed as an overview for implementing positive behavioral supports within the 3-tiered framework. The key elements of this module include information in the characteristics of SWPBS and inclusion of behavioral health supports of part of that model. This module includes a number of topics, each of which will require staff development through separate and individualized trainings.
    • Audience: all teachers and/or administrators
    • Duration: 2-3 Hours


Please contact your district’s SPOC for scheduling or more information.